

We hope the following resources can be helpful to science educators:

1. Venn Diagram that highlights the relationships and convergences among the three content standards: CCSS for ELA & Literacy, CCSS for Mathematics (practices), and NGSS (science and engineering practices). Download the 1-pager in the files below (copies in black and white and color (bright & pastel). There is also a 2-page explanatory note that accompanies the Venn Diagram (updated Nov. 17, 2014).

Also, check out the short 2-page Science Article (April 2013) that highlights the potential of the Next Generation Science Standards (and uses the Venn Diagram).

2. NGSS, "All Standards, All Students" on the NGSS website highlights the implementation strategies that are grounded in theoretical or conceptual frameworks. As stated in the NGSS website, this chapter "discusses both learning opportunities and challenges that NGSS presents for student groups that have traditionally been underserved in science clasrooms.  ... it describes effective strategies for implementation of NGSS in the science classroom, school, home, and community. ... [and] it provides the context of student diversity by addressing changing demographics, persistent science achievement gaps, and educational policies affecting non-dominate student groups.

3. "Science and Language for ELLs" from Educational Researcher, April 2013 by Okhee Lee, Helen Quinn, and Guadalupe Valdes.

Here are a few documents that have informed our work:

Cervette, G. and Pearson, P.D. (2012), Reading, Writing, and Thinking Like a Scientist. Journal of Adolescent & Adult Literacy, 55: 580-586.

Lee, O. (2005). Science education and English language learners: Synthesis and research agenda. Review of Educational Research, 75(4), 491-530.

Lee, O., & Buxton, C.A. (2010). Diversity and equity in science education: Theory, research, and practice. New York: Teachers College Press.

     Note: This books is part of Multicultural Education Series by James A. Bank, Series Editor.

If you would like to read materials primarily designed for practitioners:

Fathman, A.K.,& Crowther, D.T. (Eds.). (2006). Science for English language learners: K-12 classroom strategies. Arlington, VA: National Science Teachers Association.

Rosebery, A.S., & Warren, B. (Eds.). (2008). Teaching science to English language learners: Building on students' strengths. Arlington, VA: National Science Teachers Association.