New York State Cultivating District Leadership Initiative
Build the capacity of 25 New York School Districts to plan and implement transformative system changes that strengthen ELL/MLL policies, programs, and practices and that improve ELL/MLL students’ linguistic and academic success.
In partnership with the New York State Education Department’s Office of Bilingual Education and World Languages and colleagues at Wested, this hybrid-learning initiative supported districts in the development of actionable improvement and monitoring plans with high-leverage strategies grounded in NY State Education Department’s ELL/MLL Blueprint and Understanding Language’s aligned Key Principles of Effective ELL/MLL Instruction.
Participating district leadership teams created components of a researched-based strategic improvement ELL/MLL Success Plan. This is included vision and mission statements for their MLLs and a Language Development Approach that defined for their stakeholders high-quality instruction for ELLs/MLLs. Leadership teams identified the educator and leader core competencies needed to enact high quality instruction and drafted professional learning plans to address these competencies.